Job opening: 2 PhD candidates at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

The department of Sociology of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is looking for 2 PhD candidates. The deadline for applying is April 25th and the start date September 1st. To apply, please go to the website

The 2 PhD candidates will be part of the European Research Council (ERC) project “Righting the Wrongs, A Life Course Dynamics Approach for Non-Standard Employment (DYNANSE)”, which studies how non-standard employment relates to labour market (and social) inequalities. The project develops a method to produce error-corrected employment trajectories and applies it in the study of the careers of workers with non-standard employment contracts. For this purpose, it uses register and survey data from the Netherlands, Italy and Norway. The successful candidates will work on the substantial part of the project and bridge labour market theories with the empirical analysis of large datasets. One of them will focus on the study of employment careers of young workers, while the other will focus on the careers of older workers. They will work together with a group of faculty members with diverse backgrounds including sociology, economics and survey methodology. The research will be conducted in close collaboration with the National Statistical Institutes of the Netherlands (CBS), Italy (Istat) and Norway (SSB).

We are seeking highly motivated and talented researchers, able to develop their own research ideas within the project. The successful candidates need to have a strong interest in labour market theories as well as good knowledge of quantitative research methods and preferably longitudinal research methods.


  • MSc or Research Master degree in Sociology, Economics or a related field
  • Strong interest in research on the labour market
  • Solid background in methodology and statistics; experience with longitudinal data analysis or latent class models will be considered an asset
  • Ambitious and able to work independently and in a team
  • Excellent knowledge of the English language


A challenging position in a socially involved organization. The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel and amounts €2,395 (PhD) per month during the first year and increases to €3,061 (PhD) per month during the fourth year, based on full-time employment. The job profile is based on the university job ranking system and is vacant for at least 0.8 FTE.

The appointment will initially be for 1 year. After a satisfactory evaluation of the initial appointment, the contract will be extended for a total duration of 4 years.
Additionally, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers excellent fringe benefits and various schemes and regulations to promote a good work/life balance, such as:

  • a maximum of 41 days of annual leave based on full-time employment
  • 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus
  • contribution to commuting expenses
  • optional model for designing a personalized benefits package
  • a wide range of sports facilities which staff may use at a modest charge

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