R Packages
Trajectory Miner in R: A toolbox for exploring, analyzing, and rendering state and event sequences.
Official TraMineR page , CRAN page, in Journal of Statistical Software
A collection of ancillary functions and utilities to be used in conjunction with the TraMineR package.
CRAN page
Clustering of state sequences and weighted data: Optimized weighted PAM algorithm, aggregation of replicated cases, measures of cluster quality, exploration of range of cluster solutions, tree plot of hierarchical clusters of state sequences.
Official WeightedCluster page , CRAN page
Describing episodes in individual sequences, measuring association between domains, smoothing sequences for index plots, heat maps of sequence data, Globally Interdependent Multidimensional Sequence Analysis, and more.
CRAN page
A set of wrapper functions that mainly re-produces some of the sequence plots rendered with TraMineR::seqplot() and ‘TraMineRextras’. Whereas ‘TraMineR’ uses base R to produce the plots this library draws on ‘ggplot2’.
CRAN page
Multiple imputation of missing data present in a sequence dataset through prediction based on either a random forest or a multinomial regression model. Covariates and time-dependant covariates can be included in the model. The prediction of the missing values is based on the method of Halpin (2012) .
CRAN page
Probabilistic suffix trees and variable length Markov chains: Fitting and rendering of probabilistic suffix trees (PST) and a range of tools for analyzing categorical sequences with PSTs.
CRAN page, in Journal of Statistical Software
Exploration, visualization, and modelling of (multichannel) social sequences and other categorical time series with hidden (latent) Markov models (HMM) and mixture HMMs. Plotting multichannel sequence data.
CRAN page, in Journal of Statistical Software
Measures of entropy (Gini, Shannon, Chebycheff dispersion) and serial dependence in categorical time series (individual sequence), and graphical representations of evolution features of a categorical time series.
CRAN page, in Journal of Computational Science
Model-based clustering method for categorical life-course sequences relying on mixtures of exponential-distance models (Murphy et al. (2021).)
CRAN page
R Code
Post with R Code to validate SA typologies using parametric Bootstrap
Stata packages
Stata module for sequence analysis.
in Stata Journal, in EconPapers
Sequence analysis tools for Stata.
in Stata Journal
Multiple imputation for categorical time series.
in Stata Journal