Sequence Analysis Related Publications
You can find our ongoing Zotero bibliography on Sequence Analysis here.
The bibliography includes both applications of sequence analysis and papers describing methods of sequence analysis.
To suggest the inclusion of a publication relevant to the SAA community in the library, please send the doi number together with any other useful information, such as a link to a preprint if the paper is not open access, to
The bibliography is regularly updated.
Selected entries can be exported in Zotero RDF, and many other formats.
All records include tags for:
- sequence analysis
- application and/or methodology and /or review
When possible, we used tags for:
- country/countries (if more than five “cross-country “)
- data used
- TraMineR or Stata
More substantive tags distinguish between:
- life course trajectories
- employment trajectories
- family trajectories
- demographic trajectories
- housing trajectories
- … and many more…
More methodological tags identify:
- multichannel sequence analysis
- discrepancy analysis
- event history analysis
- visualization
- … and many more…