Sequence Analysis Association

Webinar Series of the Sequence Analysis Association – Work-in-progress edition

Are you working on a research project involving sequence analysis (SA)? Then present your project in our new webinar series, which specifically targets research projects at their developmental stages! Such a webinar gives you the opportunity to receive targeted feedback from the sequence analysis community with some of the most seasoned SA researchers and to address your questions about any aspects of SA.

Given the focus on work-in-progress research, the status of the presented research can vary from well-developed research plans to the presentation of initial empirical results. Any projects of SA are welcome, e.g., empirical applications or methodological advancements. The presenters share an extended abstract and their questions with the SAA committee, because the information will help the committee organize presentations into sessions with similar topics. Each presentation, typically about 15-20 minutes, will be followed by a discussion of similar length of time. The discussion will be guided by the questions that were shared by the presenter.

Researchers at all stages of their career are welcome; early-career scholars are particularly encouraged to present their research.. The submission deadline for presenting between February and May is January 8th, 2024 . Later submissions will be considered for webinars later in the academic year.



Please indicate your interest via this submission form which will ask you to provide:

  • 150-word abstract
  • Type of paper (empirical application, methodological advancements, etc)
  • SA-methods used or discussed
  • Keywords

It also gives you the opportunity to already flag specific questions/issues to be discussed.