Webinar Series of the Sequence Analysis Association

Current Webinar Series

Previous webinars

2024 Autumn Program

There will be about one session each month:
September, Thursday, 19, 4 pm CET
Title: Analyzing Categorical Sequences with the R package ctsfeatures
Ángel López Oriona and José A. Vilar Fernández,
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2024.102233
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430
October, Thursday, 17, 4 pm CET
Subject: Work-in-progress.
Description: The workshop features two work-in-progress applications of sequence analysis. We discuss open questions after each presentation.
Kun Lee, Convergence or continued stratification? Late working lives and retirement trajectories in Germany.
Max Reichert, The critical juncture of childbirth: disentangling the impact of leave policy and level of education in 20 European countries.
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430
November, Thursday, 14, 4 pm CET (to be confirmed)
Subject: Methods.
Description: Two recently published methodological papers.
Leonhard Unterlerchner, Back to the Features. Investigating the Relationship Between Educational Pathways and Income Using Sequence Analysis and Feature Extraction and Selection Approach. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/sjs-2023-0021
Raffaella Piccarreta, Identifying and Qualifying Deviant Cases in Clusters of Sequences: The Why and The How. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10680-023-09682-3
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430
December, Thursday, 12, 4 pm CET
Subject: Work-in-progress.
Description: The workshop features two work-in-progress applications of sequence analysis. We discuss open questions after each presentation.
Claus Hansen, Using sequence analysis in the description and analysis of short-term sickness absence – a longitudinal study.
Han Liu, Power Dynamics in Interracial Dating Relationships.
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430
December, Thursday, 19, 4 pm CET
Subject: Work-in-progress.
Description: The workshop features two work-in-progress applications of sequence analysis. We discuss open questions after each presentation.
Chengming Han, Changed Institution, Changed Work: Economic Reform and Work Sequences Across Cohorts in China.
Yuqi Liang, Sorting or Exiting? Gendered Divergences in Career Paths of Computer Science Graduates in the U.S. and India.
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430


January, Thursday, 16, 4 pm CET
Subject: Work-in-progress.
Description: The workshop features two work-in-progress applications of sequence analysis. We discuss open questions after each presentation.
Ricardo Xavier Cevallos Salgado, Social sciences as an investment. Pathways crossing a social scientific training in Swedish higher education.
Jonathan Ahuna, Opening the Black Box of Decision Processes in Mental Health Clinical Supervision.
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430



2024 Spring Program

There will be about one session each month:
January, Thursday, 25, 4 pm CET
Subject: Workshop on Multidomain/Multichannel Sequence Analysis.
Description: The workshop features two work-in-progress applications of sequence analysis. We discuss open questions after each presentation, with a focus on multidomain/multichannel analysis.
Mustafa Firat, Work-family trajectories across Europe: differences between social groups and welfare regimes.
Peter Sun, Life course patterns of productive engagement among rural and urban older adults.
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430
March, Thursday, 14, 4 pm CET
Subject: Workshop on Clustering and complexity measures.
Description: The workshop features two
work-in-progress applications of sequence analysis. We discuss open
questions after each presentation, with a focus on clustering and complexity measures.
Laura Altweck, The Influence of Life Courses in Young Adulthood on Subjective Well-being: A Cross-European Perspective.
Stefanie Halm, Linking Life Courses: Analyzing the Effects of Partnership, Reproduction, and Housing on Mental and Physical Subjective Health.
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430
April, Thursday, 25, 4 pm CET
Subject: Workshop on SA research design.
Description: The workshop features two
work-in-progress applications of sequence analysis. We discuss open
questions after each presentation.
Dimitris Pavlopoulos & Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal, Mixture Hidden Markov Models (MHMM): a Modelling Alternative.
Kun Lee, Social Stratification of Retirement Trajectories in Germany after Welfare Reforms.
Martin Gädecke, From Planning to Parenthood: an Exploration of Fertility Intentions and Realisation in Life Course using Sequence Analysis.
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430
May, Thursday, 16, 4 pm CET
Subject: Missing data in sequences.
Description: The workshop focuses on imputation of missing data in sequences.
Kevin Emery, seqimpute: An R Library for Visualizing and Imputing Missing Data in Sequences.
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430

2023 Autumn Program

There will be about one session each month:
September, Thursday, 21, 4 pm CET
Subject: Recent book and software developments.
Speakers: Emanuela Struffolino, Marcel Raab, Christian Brzinsky-Fay, Brendan Halpin
October, Thursday, 19, 4 pm CET
Subject: Development and alternatives to sequence clusters.
Matthias Studer, Validating sequence typologies, doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/00811750211014232
Satu Helske, Dissimilarity-based variables as an alternative to cluster membership in SA, doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/00811750231177026
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430
November, Thursday, 2, 4 pm CET
Subject: Workshop on Dissimilarity Measure Choices.
Description: The workshop features two work-in-progress applications of sequence analysis in health. We discuss open questions after each presentation, with a focus on choosing dissimilarity measures.
Anna-Victoria Holtz, Multimorbidity and dementia trajectories in old age in Germany and Catalonia.
Dana Sarnak, Individual, dyadic, and health system factors that influence postpartum trajectories of women in Ethiopia: A sequence analysis.
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430
November, Thursday, 30, 4 pm CET
Subject: Workshop on Complexity Measures (& Cluster Analysis).
Description: The workshop features two work-in-progress researches concerned with measuring complexity of trajectories. We discuss open questions after each presentation, with a focus on complexity measures.
Miriam Siglreitmaier, Sequence Analysis of the Transition out of  higher education to employment and its link to health outcomes.
Linda Vecgaile and Luca Badolato, Predicting work trajectories and retirement expectations using Machine Learning and Sequence Analysis methods.
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430
December, Thursday, 14, 4 pm CET
Subject: Workshop on Cluster Analysis.
Description: The workshop features two work-in-progress applications of sequence analysis. We discuss open questions after each presentation, with a focus on clustering methods.
Oliver Anderson, Post compulsory education pathways (using a large sample of administrative data with many education and labor market states and possibly huge matrices).
Fabian Windhager, Postmodern urban-regional formation: clustering demographic trajectories in the Vienna city region.
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430

2023 Spring Program

The Webinar Series will be devoted to an Overview of Sequence Analysis based on the story of Sequence Analysis recently published in Social Science Research (Liao et al., 2022, Sequence Analysis: its Past, Present, and Future, Doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2022.102772 ).
Overview of Sequence Analysis 1
February, Thursday, 23, 4 pm CET
Subject: History of sequence analysis, visualization, distance measures, cluster analysis.
Speakers: Tim Liao, Christian Brzinsky-Fay, Matthias Studer, Raffaella Piccareta
Overview of Sequence Analysis 2
March 30, Thursday, 4 pm CET
Subject: Comparing groups of sequences, polyadic sequence analysis, complexity and related sequence indicators, Markovian analysis.
Speakers: Matthias Studer, Danilo Bolano, Gilbert Ritschard, Satu Helske
Zoom link: https://unige.zoom.us/j/96355670430
Overview of Sequence Analysis 3
April 20, Thursday, 4 pm CET
Subject: SA and life course research, sequence-network analysis, on-going and future SA methodological developments.
Speakers: Anette Fasang, Benjamin Cornwell, Tim Liao, Gilbert Ritschard

28th April 2022 at 4 PM CET: Studying Migration Using Sequence Analysis

  • Citizenship and education trajectories among children of immigrants: A transition-oriented sequence analysis, Marie Labussière, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.alcr.2021.100433
  • Trajectories of Spatial Assimilation or Place Stratification? A Typology of Residence and Workplace Histories of Newly Arrived Migrants in Sweden, Guilherme Kenji Chihaya, Department of Geography, Umeå University, Sweden. https://doi.org/10.1177/01979183211037314 

17th March 2022 at 4 PM CET: Using Sequence Analysis to Study Household and Generational Structure

  • A New Perspective on the Generational Structures of Families–Generational Placements over the Life Course, Bettina Huenteler, Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology, University of Cologne, Germany. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.alcr.2021.100450
  • A New Methodological Approach to Study Household Structure From Census and Survey Data, Simona Bignami, Université de Montréal, Canada. https://doi.org/10.1177/0049124120986192

24th February 2022 at 4 PM CET: Mixture Models for Life Course Studies

  • An overview of mixture modelling for latent evolutions in longitudinal data: Modelling approaches, fit statistics and software,
    Gavin van der Nest, Department of Methodology and Statistics, and Care
    and Public Health Research Institute (CAPHRI), Maastricht University,
    the Netherlands. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.alcr.2019.100323
  • Predicting the stability of early employment with its timing and
    childhood social and health-related predictors: a mixture Markov model
    , Satu Helske, INVEST Research Flagship Center and Department of Social Research, University of Turku, Turku, Finland https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/qkcxs/

27th January 2022 at 4 PM CET: Sequences, Transitions and Risks

2nd December 2021 at 4 PM CET: New Approaches to Analyze Sequence Data

28th October 2021 at 4 PM CET: Longitudinal Sequence Indicators

30th September 2021 at 4 PM CET: Multichannel Sequence Analysis

20th May 2021 at 4 PM CET: Causal Inference and Sequence Analysis

  • Career trajectories and cumulative wages: The case of temporary employment. Sophia Fauser, Department of Sociology, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rssm.2020.100529
  • Combining propensity score matching and sequence analysis to
    study changes in professional and educational trajectories pre- and
    post- first childbirth.
    Sara Kalucza, Department of Sociology, Umeå universitet, Sweden.

29th April 2021 at 4 PM CET: Multichannel Sequence Analysis

  • Comparison of Two Approaches in Multichannel Analysis. Kevin Emery and André Berchtold, Centre LIVES, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. http://dx.doi.org/10.12682/lives.2296-1658.2020.85
  • Life-course-sensitive analysis of group inequalities in old age: Combining Multichannel Sequence Analysis with the Kitagawa-Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition. Carla Rowold, Nuffield College, University of Oxford.

25th March 2021 at 4 PM CET: Comparing groups of sequences

  • Comparing Groups of Life-Course Sequences Using the Bayesian Information Criterion and the Likelihood-Ratio Test. Tim F. Liao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Anette E. Fasang, Humboldt University of Berlin and WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Berlin, Germany. https://doi.org/10.1177/0081175020959401

Recording of the webinar: https://sequenceanalysis.org/2021/04/15/webinars-recording-comparing-groups-of-life-course-sequences-using-the-bayesian-information-criterion-and-the-likelihood-ratio-test-25th-march-2021/

18th February 2021 at 4 PM CET: Dyadic sequence analysis

Recording of the webinar: https://sequenceanalysis.org/2021/02/18/webinars-recording-of-the-18th-february-2021/

10th December 2020: Clustering of state sequence: alternative approaches

  • Robust Typologies in Sequence Analysis: In search of guidelines and a more systematic approach. Stefan B. Andrade, VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science Research, Copenhagen
  • Divisive Property-Based and Fuzzy Clustering for Sequence Analysis, Matthias Studer, University of Geneva, Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-95420-2_13
  • Clustering Longitudinal Life-Course Sequences using Mixtures of Exponential-Distance Models. Keefe Murphy, Maynooth University, Ireland.

Recording of the webinar: https://sequenceanalysis.org/2020/12/11/webinars-recording-of-the-10th-december-2020/

19th November 2020: Complexity measures and longitudinal indicators computed from sequence data

Recording of the webinar: https://sequenceanalysis.org/2020/11/26/webinars-recording-of-the-19th-november-2020/